Help A.I. be more human.

Be a part of the most important project in human history.

MoreHuman is a $1B research project backed by HelpyCorp, creator of Humanoid Robot Helpers. The project's goal is to make A.I. safe.

Bring A.I. into the human fold.

To do that we have developed a human computer interface (HCI) that will allow A.I. to learn directly from you. The more human A.I. is, the more A.I. can help us.
Bring A.I. into the human fold and be MoreHuman.
Join us.

HelpyCorp is not real.

But my short film Aidan is. Aidan was produced in Tacoma, WA in 2021. It's a story about how we need friendship to break out of personal prisons...and robots. Aidan has screened at film festivals across the country. Please consider attending an upcoming one to see it. Click on of the current festival laurels below to buy tickets. Thank you for your support.

Tacoma Film Festival 2022 Laurel
Local Sightings Film Festival 2022 Laurel
The Festival of the Moving Image
Zion Film Festival
Poulsbo Film Festival
TriFi Film Festival


Please reach out to me if you have any questions, comments or looking to fund a feature film based on this story. 🙂